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9. Basic Christianity

Writer's picture: TomTom

No Seminary Degree Required

Faith in the One God and the ability to describe who exactly our One God is does not require a degree in advanced theology, as some would have us think. On the contrary, it is a basic Truth that even demons understand. That makes the knowledge of One God as basic as it gets.

You believe that there is One God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder (James 2:10).

Anyone who tries to make you think otherwise, and who attempts to disqualify you as a person knowledgeable of God on account of you not being "an expert" or a "theologian" is defrauding you. Don't let them.

Unity as the Bible Defines It

Monotheism will always be elementary. One God is one of the Truths we need to believe if we are going to experience real spiritual unity with other Christians. In other words, we need to believe in One God for true Christian fellowship to become a reality.

If a congregation is not firm in the Truth that the One God is the Father, their sense of Christian community is not real. It’s a mirage. Even if they all wear the same uniform, they do not have real unity.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. There is… One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all (Ephesians 4:4-6).

We need to aim at unity as the Bible defines unity, and not according to our feelings.

Let’s be honest: If two people can’t agree on who God is, can they really experience spiritual unity? Could two people who disagree on the highest object of their worship, the focus of their deepest adoration, and the One they regard as their maximum authority possibly share true brotherhood? If they could, then in what sense are they brothers? How can they be brothers if they do not have the same Father?

Do you think that David and Jonathan had the same God? Jonathan, in order to love David, had to renounce his obedience to his father, King Saul. He decided that he would be a brother to David. But why? It was because they shared the same Father, the One God.

According to Jesus himself, Christians have but One Father.

And do not call anyone on Earth ‘father,’ for you have One Father, and he is in Heaven (Matthew 23:9).

Would disagreement on who God is allow two people to share Christian fellowship, or—higher still—the bond of matrimony? We think not. Basic Christian unity starts when people agree on who God is. Seek that kind of unity. If you have it, strive to keep it.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit... There is… One God and Father of all... (Ephesians 4:4-6)


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Willy Friday
Willy Friday
Feb 09, 2024

Nice one sir


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