The Role of a Deacon
We’re going to dig into a passage about deacons, and we're going to investigate what it says about deacons' relationship to the Faith. We've already studied what the mystery of the Faith is--and that deacons must hold firmly to it.
Now, let's see how deacons can acquire great boldness in the Faith, and what that boldness is about. Here's our text:
Deacons likewise must be dignified… holding the mystery of the Faith with a clear conscience, and these also must be tested first… those who have served well acquire a good standing for themselves, and great boldness in the Faith that is in Christ Jesus… (1 Timothy 3:8-13; LEB)
This is a new expression for many of us, so what does it mean to have great boldness in the Faith? What should a deacon be bold about if with this so-called boldness in the Faith? He should be bold about sound doctrine, the teachings of the apostles. In other words, he should be bold about the requirements of the New Covenant--information available in the New Testament.
Why must deacons be bold about sound doctrine? Because it’s what people don’t want church leaders to talk about, but it’s precisely what they need to hear. Only sound doctrine produces sound living, and God wants a fruitful Church. Like a mother who serves vegetables to her kids even though they don't like it, it's what we need to teach.
The Role of a Deacon
The passage we’re examining states that to be a deacon, one must hold firm to sound doctrine. In other words, a person must be firm in the teachings of the Apostles to qualify to be a deacon.
Deacons likewise must be dignified… holding the mystery of the Faith with a clear conscience… (1 Timothy 3:8-9; LEB)
But that’s not all the passage says. It also says that a deacon who has served well obtains something called great boldness in the Faith. An example of such a man was Stephen, the first of the original seven deacons in the history of the Church.
Steven served the Church well, and when he preached the Faith with boldness, he faced strong opposition. He holds the honor of being the Church’s first martyr. Paul, who was still unconverted, was there to watch the stoning.
An Example: Stephen
Let’s rewind a little to see how the Church chose Stephen to be a deacon. We already saw the requirements for someone to be selected as a deacon in 1 Timothy 3:8, but when the first church chose the first deacons, the requirements were for them to be 1. men, who 2. were among the believers, and who 3. were full of the Holy Spirit, and 4. full of wisdom. Stephen fulfilled those requirements.
‘… choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom… They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit… (Acts 6:3, 5)
Stephen was anointed by the Holy Spirit. He had a ministry of signs and wonders. He became famous among the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and his fame aroused the opposition of a certain sect of Jews. Those Jews were angered by the power of Stephen’s arguments as he debated with them.
Let’s continue to read his story:
Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people. Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen… who began to argue with Stephen. But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke (Acts 6:8-10)
Stephen was dragged before the leading Jews, the Sanhedrin, and he preached the Gospel to them with great boldness. His message is recorded for us in Acts 7. Here’s a portion of it, a part which demonstrates the boldness with which he spoke:
You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit! Was there ever a prophet your ancestors did not persecute?
They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him (Acts 7:51-52).
Can you appreciate these words of Stephen, words that testify to his boldness in the Faith? Stephen proclaimed a powerful interpretation of God’s dealings with the patriarchs. He declared the history of the Jews so that Jews who were listening to him might come to repentance.
But why do we highlight Stephen’s boldness? Because he was a deacon and the Scriptural mandate is that deacons must have ‘great boldness in the Faith’ per 1 Timothy 3:13. Stephen is an example for all deacons, and for all Christians.
Deacons Are Role Models
Let’s remind ourselves what a deacon is. A deacon is someone who administers material resources in the Church so that the pastor-teachers will be able to dedicate their time to instruction. If that’s true, then why do deacons, who do not have a teaching role in the Church, need to hold firm to sound doctrine?
Sound doctrine is at the heart of church life because it’s the essence of what a church believes. It’s vital to the life of a congregation. It is so real that those who serve in the church, deacons among others, will teach it one way or another. They will teach it whether through lifestyle or academic lessons.
And the Faith will propel believers to love, to wisdom, to righteousness, and to holiness. It will transform lives because it's the truth. But even the truth needs power backing it up. Therefore only if people see the Faith modeled in the lives of their pastors and deacons will they be transformed.
A Good Standing
Let's remind ourselves of the central passage for today's study:
Deacons likewise must be dignified… holding the mystery of the Faith with a clear conscience, and these also must be tested first… those who have served well acquire a good standing for themselves, and great boldness in the Faith that is in Christ Jesus… (1 Timothy 3:8-13; LEB)
The passage says that after a deacon has served well, he or she acquires a good standing in the Church. That is, the deacon or deaconess who holds to the Faith earns a good reputation. They merit respect and honor from the brethren. Stephen is an example of that.
After Stephen died, they mourned him and gave him a proper burial—demonstrating their appreciation of him. He lived and died with an excellent reputation among the Christians of Jerusalem.
Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him (Acts 8:2).
Great Boldness
But it’s not just a man's reputation that matters. In addition, deacons acquire great boldness in the Faith. What does it mean to acquire great boldness? It’s being able to declare sound doctrine valiantly.
Great boldness is being free from fear as we declare “there is One God, the Father” in the midst of people who think that the One God is a mystery Being of Three in One.
Great boldness is being able to declare “baptism now saves you” among the proponents of faith alone.
Great boldness is explaining where the Dead are so that believers of the “you die and go to Heaven” theology might come to understand the Resurrection! (Most people in churches today have no idea what the Resurrection is).
Boldness is quoting the Bible verses ‘we will all stand before God’s Judgment Seat’ and ‘each of us will give an account of ourselves to God’ (Romans 14:10, 12) to a congregation that has never heard about judgment. People who have only heard the message “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life” are going to have a very difficult time swallowing your preaching if you have boldness regarding repentance and judgment. Many people in churches today have never heard a call to repentance. Worse off, many of them think that sin is a bad word.
Boldness in the Faith is doing what Jesus did, what Stephen did, and what Paul did—preaching the Truth in the midst of great opposition. It’s expressing zero concern about what your enemies might do to you.
Boldness in the Faith is bravery and valor with words. It's exercising freedom of speech in the midst of censorship and opposition. It’s using the Word of God to destroy the doctrines of men. It’s using Scriptures to debunk seminary theology.
All Spoke Boldly
So then, how do we get boldness in the Faith? Well, you don’t need to become a deacon to get it. Any Christian can get it. You just have to ask God. The Early Church prayed for boldness. That was their #1 request. And God granted it to them, filling them with the Holy Spirit.
Here’s what they said, and what God did:
‘Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your Word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.’
After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God boldly (Acts 4:29-31).
Most of us feel fear when our enemies threaten us. That’s natural. It’s normal. Feeling fear is human, but facing fear is divine. So you need the Divine Holy Spirit in you to produce boldness in you.
How must we face our fears? With boldness. If you pray to God for boldness, through the power of the Holy Spirit you will overcome your fears. You will face your enemies by speaking the Word of God whether they like it or not. And God will take care of the rest.
Whatever happens to you, at least you were not a coward. At least you have a clear conscience. Your blood may be pouring out of your body, but at least the blood of your audience is not on your hands.