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When evening comes, you say,
‘It will be fair weather,
for the sky is red,’
and in the morning,
'Today it will be stormy,
for the sky is red and overcast.’
You know how to interpret
the appearance of the sky,
but you cannot interpret
the signs of the times.
(Matthew 16:2-3; NIV)
Is the Last Times Apostasy here?
Have you noticed that
the Church is not doing well?
Does this mean that
we are in the Apostasy now?
The Bible says
that the Apostasy
must take place
before the Rapture.
...[the Rapture] will not come
unless the Apostasy comes first...
(2 Thessalonians 2:3; NASB)
Click on the document below
to find out how to calculate
the precise timing
of the Apostasy.
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